Allison’s Gourmet

I entered a design contest for Allison’s Gourmet.  She makes the most beautiful gourmet treats, and they are vegan to boot.  I’m looking for ways to apply my artistic abilities towards people and businesses like this, places that support a compassionate way of life and who happen to do it do it with such style.  Anyway, I was a bit overzealous in my submission.  I put everything into one large vertical format file; showing examples of how it might look on tote and T.  Unfortunately that vertical format I chose doesn’t show so well on the voting page.  D’oh.  So I’m going to throw a copy of my submission on my blog in case anyone wants to actually see what the design looks like.  Now go order yourself a treat from Allison’s.  Oh, and if you happen to like my design… you could vote for me while you are there.  Cheers.



September 19, 2011 | 3 Comments