begin again

I’ve been dormant on the blog for quite a while.  Figured it was time to start over and get back to it.  Seems like I’ve been pretty damn busy for the last several months.  Got married last September and there was a lot of planning time going into that.  Then I got very wrapped up in finishing the game we’ve been working on (the BUREAU – XCOM Declassified, hitting the streets in late August) which absorbed most of my waking hours for several months.  Now that things have settled down, I’m feeling that it’s important to spend some time rejuvenating  myself as well as investing some creative time in my personal interests.

I’ve started to practice yoga.  After one just one class it was clear to me how valuable doing yoga was, not just for my body and health, but for my mind and spirit as well.  Next to going vegan, I think it may be the second most important change I’ve made in my life, and seems to go hand in hand with living a compassionate lifestyle.  I’m going to Three Dog Yoga in Santa Rosa – a fantastic studio with great instructors and a whole bunch of awesome people.  I’ve been doing a program called 40 Days to Personal Revolution which is based on a book by Baron Baptiste – the founder of the Baptiste Power Yoga Institute.  It is turning out to be a real life changer; challenging, but so rewarding.  Below are a couple little cartoon doodles that help illustrate part of my journey over the last couple weeks.  A little before and after if you will.  Thank you, Anna.



wide open




July 24, 2013 | 2 Comments  |

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