Christmas is coming

As the end of the year approaches, rather rapidly I might add, it’s a great time to step back, count your blessings and be thankful.  It’s been a good year for me and I feel very lucky indeed.  It’s also a particularly good time of the year for some compassion and good cheer.  It’s been a not so good year for a lot of people, and my heart goes out to them.  I’m very thankful to my father and family who seem to have given me some insight to the true meaning of Christmas.  Tis the season for giving, for lending a helping hand, and for stepping up the good attitude and positive behavior a notch.  It’s a rough ride - this world of ours, but were all in this together.

Today I’m throwing a song at you.  It’s my variation (abomination?) of an old Christmas folk song.  The lyrics have been altered to protect the innocent.  It’s also a rather old recording, but what it lacks in technique and complexity is made up for in it’s naievity and ernestness.  Me on the kalimba tuned to ‘C’, playing Christmas is coming.  Catchy little number.

Christmas is coming.  The goose is getting fat.  Please put a penny in the old man’s hat.  If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’ penny will do.  If you haven’t got a ha’ penny, then God bless you.  The rest I made up.  Clearly.

December 9, 2010 | Leave a Comment 

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